Background Research Reports

Following the field seasons of excavation the collection was processed and analysis began. The collection was housed in the Arroyo Hondo Repository at the School of Advanced Research. The analysis led to numerous unpublished research reports on the Arroyo Hondo Pueblo project developed as background material in preparation for the writing of the monographs. In this listing, the reports are organized by Binder Number and/or Document Number. The reports cover ceramics, climate change, ecology, farming, faunal remains, grant requests, lithic data, migration and regional settlement patterns, paleoethnobotany, pollen, population and skeletal and burial information.

In addition to the research reports, basic data from the 5 field seasons of excavation at Arroyo Hondo Pueblo is housed in the repository. The data includes primary field notes and information on architecture, bone artifacts, burial, ceramics, dendrochronology, ecology, excavation notes, faunal remains, features, field logs, inventory, lithic, Nels Nelson’s excavation, paleobiology, procedural manuals, reviews and survey.

Below is the listing of material available in the repository for scholarly use. It is organized by category, then alphabetically and/or chronologically.


Marshall, M. Arroyo Hondo Ceramics: Analysis of Samples Collected in 1970, 1970 (Binder 34)

Climate Reports:

Kelley, N. Edmund. The Climate of Arroyo Hondo.1972 (Binder 17b)

Dendrochronology Reports:

Lang, Richard W. An Evaluation of Dendrochronological Dates from Arroyo Hondo 1971-1972 Seasons, November 20, 1972 (Binder 3)

Ecology Reports:

Brontsky, Gordon Jay. An Ecological Model of Trade: Prehistoric Economic Change in Northern Rio Grande Region of New Mexico. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, 1977 (No DOC UNIT #)

Kelley, N. Edmund. The Ecology of Arroyo Hondo 1971 (DOC UNIT 14)

Kelley, N. Edmund. The Ecology of Arroyo Hondo, 1972 (Binder 15)

Kelley, N. Edmund. Ecology of the Arroyo Hondo Pueblo Site, Master’s Thesis, University of New Mexico, May 1973 (DOC UNIT 16)

Farming Reports:

Kelley, N. Edmund. Arroyo Hondo: Experimental Gardens, 1973 (DOC UNIT 15c)

Kelley, N. Edmund. Arroyo Hondo, Farming and Agriculture, 1972 (DOC UNIT 15a)

Faunal Remains Reports:

Harris, Arthur H. Animal Remains from Arroyo Hondo (1971 Faunal Report). 1972 (Binder 8)

Harris, Arthur H. The Archeological Fauna From Arroyo Hondo (1972 Fauna Report), April 1973 (Binder 10)

Lang, Richard W. The Arroyo Hondo Fauna: A Preliminary Analysis, March 1973 (Binder 11)

Lang, Richard W. Appendix C: Accounts of Vertebrates Observed During the Arroyo Hondo Project, December 1973 (Binder 11a)

Grant Requests:

Schwartz, Douglas. Cultural and Ecological Ramifications of Popular Growth. Research Proposal Submitted to the National Science Foundation. September 16, 1970 (DOC UNIT 75)

Lithic Reports:

Bonney, Rachel., Arroyo Hondo Lithic Analysis: Typology, Distributions and Functions. August 1972 (Binder 30b)

Bonney, Rachel.  A Preliminary Analysis of the Lithic Artifacts from Arroyo Hondo. September 1971 (Binder 29b)

Linford, Laurance D. The Lithic Artifacts of Arroyo Hondo: A study of the Function and Distribution of Stone Artifacts, and their Implications, in the Reconstruction of a 14th Century Pueblo Culture, no Date. (No DOC UNIT #)

Migration and Regional Settlement Pattern Reports:

Collins, Susan M. The Intervening Area From the San Juan to the Rio Grande, A. D. 1200 to 1350. May 1973 (No DOC UNIT #)

Collins, Susan. The Mesa Verde to Rio Grande Migration Hypothesis. May 9, 1973 (DOC UNIT 77a)

Collins, Susan. Prehistoric Rio Grande Settlement Patterns and the Influence of Demographic Change.  Master’s Thesis, University of Colorado, 1975 (No DOC UNIT #)

Collins, Susan. The Rio Grande Drainage as a Prehistoric Human Habitat. November 6, 1972 (No DOC UNIT #)

Dickson, D. Bruce. Settlement Pattern Stability and Change in the Pueblo Cultures of the Middle Northern Rio Grande Area, New Mexico. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, 1973 (DOC UNIT 78)

Paleoethnobotany Reports:

Koschik, Wilma. Preliminary Paleoethnobotany Report, 1973 (DOC UNIT B0004)

Pollen Reports:

Bohrer, Vorsila., Preliminary Pollen Reports, 19973, 1975 (DOC UNIT B0003)

Population Reports:

Kepp, Deborah. Evidence on Family Size for Use in Prehistoric Pueblo Population Estimates —A Supplement to Arroyo Hondo Population Estimates, August 1972 (DOC UNIT 75)

Kepp, Deborah. Report of Ethnographic Survey Project, Arroyo Hondo, 1972, January 1973 (No DOC UNIT #)

Lang, Richard W. Preliminary Remarks on Possible Indices of Demographic Change and Their Environmental Correlates at Arroyo Hondo, December 18, 1971 (DOC UNIT 75)

Skeletal/Burial Reports:

Byers, Steven N. The Relationship Between Stress Markers and Adult Body Size. PhD Dissertation, University of New Mexico, December 1992 (No DOC UNIT #)

Palkovich, Ann M. Preliminary Report of Arroyo Hondo Human Skeletal Remains 1973 Excavations, June 1974 (Binder 20)

Basic Data


Overview of Arroyo Hondo Architecture, Beal No Date (DOC UNIT 40c)

Architectural Reports, John D. Beal, 1971-1972 (DOC UNIT 40d)

Arroyo Hondo Architectural Reports, John D. Beal, 1971-1972 (DOC UNIT 40d)

Arroyo Hondo Architectural Data 1972 (DOC UNIT 42)

Arroyo Hondo Architectural Analysis Data Forms 1973 (DOC UNIT 43)

Arroyo Hondo Classic Occupation, Architectural Data and Stratigraphic Analysis: Raw Data Forms 1973 (DOC UNIT 44)

Arroyo Hondo Coalition Occupation, Architectural Data and Stratigraphic Analysis 1973 (DOC UNIT 45)

Bone Artifacts:

Bone Artifacts Analysis, M. A. Beach, 1971 (Binder 23)

Bone Artifact Analysis, M. A. Beach, 1972 (Binder 24)

Bone Artifact Distribution Analysis, Linda Ann Heck, October 1973 (Binder 25)

Bone Artifact Analysis, Marshall Beach, 1973 (Binder 26)

Bone Artifact Analysis 1971-1973 (DOC UNIT 27)


Burial Report, 1971 (DOC UNIT 18)

Preliminary Burial Reports, Heck, Kepp and Palkovich: Summation of Nelson Burials, by R. W. Lang, 1971-1973 (DOC UNIT 19)

Burial and Skeletal Notes, Ann Palkovich, 1974 (Binder 21a)

Burial Notes, Arroyo Hondo, Ann Palkovich, 1974 (Binder 21b)

Burial Notes, Ann Palkovich 1974 (DOC UNIT 21c)

Human Skeletal Remains, Data Forms, No Date (DOC UNIT 22)


Analysis of Ceramics Recovered During the 1970-1971 Field Season, R. W. Lang (Binder 35)

Ceramics, Marshall and Lang 1970-1971 (DOC UNIT 35a)

Ceramic Report for Site Survey 1971-1972 (DOC UNIT 36)

The Arroyo Hondo Survey: Ceramic Analysis, R. W. Lang, February 1971 (Binder 36a)

Preliminary Remarks on Ceramics Recovered from Arroyo Hondo During the 1972 Field Season, R. W. Lang, May 1973 (DOC UNIT 37)

Arroyo Hondo Ceramics: 1973 Review of Certain Materials from 1970 & 1972, R. W. Lang, 1973 (DOC UNIT 37a)

The Site and its Prehistoric Content, Taxonomy and Typology of Coalition and Early Classic Ceramics of the Santa Fe District. No Author. No Date (Binder 37b)

Ceramics, 1973 Season, Review of 1970 & 1972 Material, R. W. Lang (DOC UNIT 38)


Dendrochronology, Lab of Tree Ring Research Data Forms 1970-1971 (Binder 2b)

Dendrochronology, Lab of Tree Ring Research Data and an Evaluation of Dendrochronological Dates from Arroyo Hondo: 1971-1972 Season, R. W. Lang 1970-1974 (DOCUNIT B0002)


Ecology Reports: Farming and Agriculture, N. Edmund Kelley 1972 (Binder 15b)

Excavation Notes:

Excavation Notes: 12-4-2 thru 12-12-4. Including C, D, E, F, g, H. 1972 (DOC UNIT 52a)

Excavation Notes: 12-13-9 thru 12-24-4, 1972 (DOC UNIT 52b)

Excavation Notes: 12-14-5 thru 12-14-6, 12-15-6 thru 12-15-7, 12-15a-7 thru 12-15a-11, 12-19-1, 1972-1974 (DOC UNIT 53)

Excavation Notes: 12-16-1 thru 12-16-25, 1971 (DOC UNIT 54a)

Excavation Notes: 12-16-26 thru 12-16-38, 1971-1972 (DOC UNIT 54b)

Excavation Notes: 12-18-5 thru 12-18-15, 1972-1973 (DOC UNIT 55a)

Excavation Notes: 12-18-32 thru 12-18-49 1972-1973 (DOC UNIT 55b)

Excavation Notes: 12-20-2 thru 12-20-6, 12-21-3 thru 12-21-6, 12-23-4, 12-24-2 thru 12-24-3, 1972-1974 (DOC UNIT 56)

Excavation Notes: Plaza A & K, Kiva 12-6, Room 5-6. Mike Marshall, 1974 (DOC UNIT 57a)

Excavation Notes: 12-A2, 12-C-1 thru 12-C-3C, 1971-1974 (DOC UNIT 58)

Excavation Notes: Test Trenches, Kiva D-2, D-3, Plaza C, R. W. Lang, 1974 (DOC UNIT 59)

Excavation Notes: 12-D-1 thru 12-D-3, 12-E-1, 12-F-1, 12-G-1 thru 12-G-2, 1072-1974 (DOC UNIT 60)

Excavation Notes: 12-G-5, 12-G-B, 12-G-C, 12-G-D, 12-G-ST1 thru 12-G-ST7, 12-G-ST9, 12-H-1 thru 12-H-4, 1972-1974 (DOC UNIT 61)

Excavation Notes: Plaza G and Roomblock 5, Beal and Beach, 1973 (DOC UNIT 62)

Excavation Notes: 12-J, 12-K, Test Trenches, Test Areas, Stripping Operations, 1971-1974 (DOC UNIT 63)

Excavation Notes: Ann Palkovich, 1974 (DOC UNIT 64)

Excavation Notes: Roomblocks 11 and 16, Theodore R. Reinhart, 1970 (DOC UNIT 65)

Excavation Notes: Fireplace Descriptions from 1971 Excavations, Theodore R. Reinhart (DOC UNIT 65a)

Excavation Notes: Crew Chief J. D. Beal, 1971 (DOC UNIT 66)

Excavation Notes: Feature Infrastructure Sheets, Doug Schwartz, 1971 (DOC UNIT 67)

Excavation Notes (DOC UNIT 61)

Excavation Notes: 12-3-13, 12-4-2, 12-5-4 thru 12-5-14 1972-1974 (DOC UNIT 48)

Excavation Notes: 12-6-6 thru 12-6-9, 12-7-6 thru 12-7-10, 12-8-4 thru 12-8-6, 12-9-5 thru 12-9-13, 1972-1973 (DOC UNIT 49)

Excavation Notes: 12-10-3 thru 12-10-6, 12-11-2 thru 12-11-9, 12-12-4, 12-13-9 1971-1973 (DOC UNIT 51)


Faunal Bone Data Sheets – C2, C3, E, G, H, j; Roomblocks 4, 5, 6, 7, 1972 (DOC UNIT B00005)

Faunal Bone Data Sheets – Roomblocks 7, 8, 9, 10, 1973 (DOC UNIT B0006)

Faunal Bone Data Sheets – Roomblocks 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 1972 (DOC UNIT B0007)

Faunal Bone Data Sheets – Roomblocks 11; Initial unworked, Reoccupation unworked, Unknown unworked, A. Harris and R. W. Lang, 1971 (DOC UNIT B0008)

Faunal Bone Data Sheets – Roomblocks 16; Initial unworked, Unknown unworked, Worked, A. Harris and R. W. Lang, 1971 (DOC UNIT B0009)

Faunal Bone Data Sheets – Roomblocks 16; Reoccupation unworked, A. Harris and R. W. Lang, 1971 (DOC UNIT B0010)

Faunal Bone Data Sheets – Roomblocks 15a, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 1973 (DOC UNIT B0011)

Faunal Bone Kivas, Plazas, and Stripping Areas; A. Harris and R. W. Lang, 1971 (DOC UNIT B0012)

The Faunal Remains of Arroyo Hondo (Reports from Arthur H. Harris, R. W. Land and Wilma Koschik) 1971-1973 (DOC UNIT 13)

General Data: Faunal Remains, by Zana Grant, 1972 (DOC UNIT B0013)


Excavations Feature Descriptions, Crew Chief Beach, 1971 (DOC UNIT 39)

Feature Descriptions, Crew Chief Lang, 1971 (DOC UNIT 39a)

Feature Information Sheets, 1971 (DOC UNIT 39b)

Feature Information Sheets, 1972 (DOC UNIT 40b)

Arroyo Hondo Ceramics, 1973 Season, Review of 1970 & 1972 Material, R. W. Lang (DOC UNIT 38)

Arroyo Hondo Excavations Feature Descriptions, Crew Chief Beach, 1971 (DOC UNIT 39)

Feature Descriptions, Crew Chief Lang, 1971 (DOC UNIT 39a)

Arroyo Hondo Feature Information Sheets 1971 (DOC UNIT 39b)

Feature Information Sheets, 1972 (DOC UNIT 40b)

Overview of Arroyo Hondo Architecture, Beal? No Date. (DOC UNIT 40c)

Field Logs:

Field Logs Crew Chief, 1971 (DOC UNIT 68)

Daily Field Logs, 1972 (DOC UNIT 69)

Field Logs, Beach, Beal, Lang, Koschik, Marshall, Palkovich, 1973 (DOC UNIT 70)

Field Logs, Schwartz, Reinhart, Beach, Beal, Land, Haas, Marshall, Kepp, Koschik, Palkovich, Minnis, 1971-1974 (DOC UNIT 71)


Inventory of Artifacts and Equipment 1970-1974 (DOC UNIT 83)

Artifact Tabulation 1974 (DOC UNIT 84)

Arroyo Hondo Collection Inventory 1972 (No DOC UNIT #)


Lithics Analysis, Rachel Bonney, 1971 (DOC UNIT 29a)

Lithic Analysis, R. Bonnet and L. Linford, 1972-1973 (DOC UNIT 30a)

Lithics Analysis: Typology and Component Comparisons, by Laurence Linford, January 1974 (DOC UNIT 30c)

Lithics, Chipped Stone Data Forms 1973 (DOC UNIT 31)

Lithics, Ground Stone Data Forms 1973 (DOC UNIT 32)

Lithics, Chipped Stone Data Forms 1974 (DOC UNIT 33)

Nels Nelson Note:

Pueblos Arroyo Hondo, Nels Nelson 1915 (DOC UNIT 46)


Paleobiology 1971-1974 (DOCUNIT B0001)

Procedural Manuals

Procedural Manual for Crew Chiefs and Lab 1971 (DOC UNIT 80)

Procedural Manual for Crew Chiefs and Lab 1974 (DOC UNIT 82)


Folder of Arroyo Hondo Faunal Remains Reviews

Folder of Arroyo Hondo Book Reviews

Folder on Arroyo Hondo Quotable Reviews


Arroyo Hondo Survey Report, D. Bruce Dickson 1972 (DOC UNIT 47)