The Faunal Remains from Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, New Mexico
Richard W. Lang and Arthur H. Harris, 1984, School of American Research Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Arroyo Hondo Archeological Series, Volume 5
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This volume is based on a study of nearly twenty-five thousand animal bones that were recovered during excavations at Arroyo Hondo Pueblo. The goals of the faunal analysis were to explore and analyze the Pueblo’s (1) natural environment; (2) wild animal exploitation; (3) processing of game; (4) animal husbandry; and (5) trade in animals and animal products. The analysis of faunal remains by Richard W. Lang and Arthur H. Harris makes an important contribution to our understanding of the settlement’s environment and culture. Because of his earlier work with the pottery from Arroyo Hondo, Lang was able to group the animal bones into ceramically defined chronological samples. This chronological control then allowed the authors to examine changes through time in the natural environment and in hunting patterns.
This volume offers a thorough reconstruction of the faunal portion of Arroyo Hondo Pueblo’s economy, and it makes clear the significance of animal resources within that economy. The authors cover a breadth of topics, including the prehistoric climate, vegetation, changing hunting patterns, butchering techniques, trade, the definition of Arroyo Hondo’s hunting territory, and the domestication of the turkey. One important contribution is their demonstration that, by dividing the animal remains into chronologically ordered samples, the faunal material can be used to assess changes through time in the physical environment.
Reviews for The Faunal Remains from Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico
The Animals of Ancient Santa Fe
1985 Archaeology 38(3): 82.
Book Briefs
1985 The Masterkey Spring 1985: 32.
Chartkoff, Joseph L.
1985 Review of The Faunal Remains from Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico: A Study in Short-term Subsistence Change, by Richard W. Lang and Arthur H. Harris. The Artifact 23: 87-98.
Feagins, Jim D.
1985 Review of The Faunal Remains from Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico: A Study in Short-term Subsistence Change, by Richard W. Lang and Arthur H. Harris. Oklahoma Anthropological Society Newsletter 33: 8.
Fontana, Bernard L.
1985 Review of The Faunal Remains from Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico: A Study in Short-term Subsistence Change, by Richard W. Lang and Arthur H. Harris. Books of the Southwest April 1985: 13.
Mini Views of Books We Think Special
1985 Book Talk 14(3): 8.
New Books
1985 Archaeology 38(3): 12.
Olsen, Stanley J.
1986 Review of The Faunal Remains from Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico, by Richard W. Lang and Arthur H. Harris. The Quarterly Review of Archaeology September-December 1986: 10.